NAPLEX Study Schedule

The North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) is not only a lengthy exam but also covers a very broad syllabus. As such, there is a huge need to prepare adequately for NAPLEX, and have most of the coverage (if not all) of the review material at your fingertips. It goes without saying that the quality of time spent in the study would be more or less directly proportional to the performance of a student. It is estimated that a period of about three to four weeks would be sufficient for one to prepare for the NAPLEX. This figure is really dependent on your initial capabilities, ie. if you go through the free questions on this site and get only around 30% correct then you will need a lot longer - possibly a month or two.

NAPLEX Study Schedule

But one would pause to wonder, why the three or four weeks to study? During this period, the student will need to take care of a number of issues:

  • Check out the NAPLEX Registration Bulletin: it is super handy. It's around 50 pages and you should read through all of it. It gives you a complete breakdown of the competencies (i.e. what is tested) as well as some sample questions (you know I love me some sample questions!). 
  • Go through your college notes: before you embark on studying new review materials, have your lecture notes and categorize them into various topics for ease of study. Often there is a tendency to throw them after graduation, but be sure to get them from a friend if they are missing in your files.
  • Customize your study notes: a student will always save time by mastering the art of customizing notes, whether one is reading from recommended books and review materials, or one's college notes. Here, the student will need to study and rewrite the facts and concepts in his or her own understanding, without missing out or mixing up the points. The notes get interwoven with the memory as they are written down. Remember to be brief and straight to the point in your short notes- time is of the essence!
  • Interact with friends and colleagues: one loses nothing by inquiring from friends and colleagues about their experience with the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination. Find time to interact with those whose experience is more recent, and get to know about the study materials and methodologies they used, and for how long. What worked for them, and what did not? This way, one would know what will work best in his own case, and perhaps save on a few days from the four weeks.
  • Set a week aside for the review sessions: of the 3-4 weeks you have, spare one of them to attend the review sessions. Although you will be familiar with most of the information shared, there will most definitely be important tips and perhaps newly organized materials for your consumption. This would be a great moment to also experience group work in whichever form, especially if you have been studying alone.
  • Avoid distractions and relax: during the 3-4 weeks, make use of most of the time and avoid distractions, and be sure to make time to relax. You still need your health and peace during and after the exam.

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Last modified: Monday, 11 March 2024, 11:03 PM